Intestinal Cancer


Colorectal cancer is a malignancy that originates in the large intestine tissue. The large intestine itself consists of the colon (the longest part of the large intestine) and the rectum (the last small portion of the large intestine before the anus).

In the world, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in men and women and the No.2 cancer that causes the most deaths.

Who is at risk of colorectal cancer?

Overall risk for getting colorectal cancer is 1 in 20 people (5%). The risk of disease tends to be less in women than in men. However, developing colorectal cancer is an interaction between environmental factors and genetic factors, and there are factors that can be modified and which cannot be modified.

Factors that cannot be modified, such as:

  • Previous history of colorectal cancer or family history
  • History of chronic infectious diseases in the intestine

Modifiable factors, such as:

  • Obesity
  • Excessive consumption of red meat
  • Smoke
  • Excessive alcohol consumption

Symptoms of colorectal cancer sufferers

Immediately do a doctor’s examination, if you experience the following symptoms:

  • Changes in bowel movements, including diarrhea, constipation, or dissatisfaction with bowel movements
  • Fresh-blooded or black-colored stools
  • Small or thin stools
  • Discomfort in the stomach, such as bloating, pain, feeling full and cramps in the stomach
  • Weight loss
  • Quickly feels tired and pale

Diagnosis of colorectal cancer

The diagnosis of colorectal cancer is confirmed by biopsy examination. The stage of the disease is determined based on the results of investigations, such as:

  • CT scan
  • Endoscopy
  • Ultrasound
  • Colonoscopy
  • MRI

Colorectal cancer treatment

Colorectal cancer treatment is multidisciplinary. Plihan and treatment recommendations depend on several factors, namely:

Surgery (surgery) is the main therapy for early-stage cancer with the aim of healing

Chemotherapy is the first choice in advanced cancer with palliative purposes.

Radiotherapy by irradiation is one of the important therapies for removing cancer cells.

Target therapy, such as with Bevacizumab and Cetuximab



Colorectal Cancer Management Guidelines from the KPKN and the Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia

Colorectal Cancer Brochure from the KPKN and Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia



