Ovarian Cancer


Cancer cell malignancies occur in the pelvic area. This cancer is the No.2 cancer that most occurs in women in the world.

Ovarian cancer is rarely found at an early stage because it develops in a secret and almost asymptomatic. When clinical symptoms arise, they are generally the result of growth, development, and complications that often arise at an advanced stage. When the situation is at an advanced stage, cancer will be difficult to cure. That’s why ovarian cancer is often dubbed the “Silent Lady Killer”

Who is at risk of ovarian cancer?

  • Women who experience menstruation at an early age
  • Women with late menopause
  • Women who have never given birth. Birth can reduce the risk of ovarian cancer
  • Obesity, especially with high levels of fat consumption
  • Genetic factors, namely families with BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations

Ovarian Cancer Detection

Clinically, the development of ovarian cancer is different from cervical cancer. Ovarian cancer has no clear initial clinical symptoms so it is difficult to detect early. As a result, ovarian cancer 65-75% is diagnosed at an advanced stage.

Ovarian cancer has its own tumor marker that can be checked through the blood, namely CA-125. But this test alone is not sensitive enough to diagnose the early stages of the disease. Only in 50% of women with early-stage ovarian cancer there is an increase in CA-125 levels. However, in more than 85% of women with advanced disease there is an increase in CA-125 levels. And this CA-125 marker is useful for monitoring the course of ovarian cancer.

In addition, the CA-125 examination, the following ways are carried out for examination of ovarian cancer:

  • Examination of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, especially for families with a history of cancer. This examination can be used to predict the likelihood of ovarian cancer. But this test is expensive.
  • Transvaginal ultrasound (USG). This examination is to get a clearer picture of the ovary. The doctor will insert an ultrasound device into the vagina

Treatment for ovarian cancer

The main treatment for ovarian cancer is surgery to remove parts of the ovary and other areas affected by cancer cells. If needed also given therapy:

  • chemotherapy
  • radiotherapy
  • immunotherapy
  • or target therapy.



Source: Speech Enforcement Professor Prof.Dr.dr Heru Pradjatmo, M.Kes., Sp.OG (K) at the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing University Gadjah Mada


